Hi zipkoppie,
please go through belwo steps and try to repaire boot sector,if need any more information please gety back to us.
To repair boot sector problems for Windows 2000/XP/2003
- Boot the Windows Setup disc and start the Recovery Console. Log in to the damaged operating system. For more information, see the Microsoft articlehttp://support.microsoft.com/kb/314058.
- Repair the master boot record. Typefixmbrand press Enter.
- Repair the boot sector. Typefixbootand press Enter.
- Check the disk for corruption in the file system, if applicable. Typechkdsk c: /pand press Enter.
- Verify that the required boot files are present on the startup disk. Type dir \and press Enter.
The ntldr, NTDETECT.COM files are listed and have a size greater than zero. If either ntldr or NTDETECT.COM are missing, copy the files from the Windows disc using the COPY command. For example, copy d:\i386\ntldr c:\. - Rebuild the boot.ini file. For more information on this command, see the Microsoft article http://support.microsoft.com/kb/291980.
- Typebootcfg /rebuildand press Enter.
- At the prompt Enter Load Identifier, type the version of the Windows installation (for example Windows 2000 Server)and press Enter.
- At the prompt Enter Operating System Load Options if running Windows XP or 2003, type /fastdetect. Otherwise do not type anything and press Enter.
- Exit the recovery console. Typeexit and press Enter.
Warning: If you do not use the exit command to quit the Recovery Console, your changes may be discarded. - Attempt to start the virtual machine normally. If the problem persists, create a Windows boot diskette to start the operating system and set the active partition.
- Insert or connect the Windows boot diskette, and boot from the diskette. For instructions on creating a Windows boot diskette, see the Microsoft article http://support.microsoft.com/kb/305595.
- Log in to Windows as an Administrator.
- Open the Disk Management console. Click Start > Run. Type diskmgmt.mscand press Enter.
- Right-click the system partition and select Mark Partition as active.