Moving VM from ESXi to ESX
We are looking at moving a VM machine from ESXi to ESX is there any problems with copying & pasting the VM folder over to ESX? (Eg. Are the vm images from ESXi compatible with ESX)
View ArticleRe: vmware pricing - some confusion on cpu limits
Correct, for example this one: "6 Processors - scalable with additional licenses"You can have 3 servers with 2 processors each or 6 servers with 1 processor each or any combination of the two. // Linjo
View ArticleRe: Checking VM Guests for AV
Thanks fabiendibot, could you give me more details as I am new to scripting.
View ArticleManage virtual networks in vmware player on Linux Mint
Hi all, Can someone point out how can I manage virtual networks on Vmware player on Ubuntu/Linux mint?
View ArticleRe: No Internet on VMWare WS w/ Linux 2.6.22 kernel
hi . am using vmware player 5.0.2. i cant find any package by the name vmnet.tar.. can u help me ??
View ArticleRe: Installing Net Framework 1.1
It turned out to be this problem, so indeed not VMWare related:;en-us;824643It worked fine after following the instructions,
View ArticleRe: How to open Cisco WSA
i dont have .vmx config file. i tried to create a new VM and added the .vmdk as an existing Virtual hard disk, but when i try to power-on the related VM i get the follwoing error msg Err 4 1
View ArticleRe: Adding VMWare tools and enabling copy/paste to a VM already running?
Go to the VM tab and dropdown to Install VMware Tools. Follow the instructions. End of story
hi, I HAVE 5 esxi vSphere Essentials Kit for 3 hosts licenses and 18 hosts. Now with each licence i have vcenter server licence for 3 host . now i was trying to assign all vcenter licenses to single...
View ArticleRe: vmware pricing - some confusion on cpu limits
thx Linjo.Is 1 processor == 1 socket ? confirm me this.
View ArticleRe: Размер базы vcenter
Тогда можно попробовать посмотреть какие объекты больше всего места занимают, из этого делать выводы. SQL какой версии?
View Articleне отвечает esx 5.1. host
Добрые день, коллеги. Имеется такая проблема: периодически пропадает сеть на хосте ESX 5.1. Т.е. хост не пингается, не пингаются вирт. машины, сам хот тоже ничего не пингает. После перезагрузки...
View ArticleRe: Thin provisioned datastore out of space
A restore of the .vmx files or a recreation from the vmware.log files was not possible, since the .vmx files where completely empty. We basicly recreated all the VMs from scratch and attached the...
View ArticleRun PowerCLI Script everyday and send output to mail
Hi, Is there a way to run this script every day (whats the best way, windows schedules task?) and then sending the output to an email adress?Thats the command;foreach($vm in get-vm) { get-harddisk -vm...
View ArticleRe: Certificate issues with VMware View 5.1 and Igel ThinClient
I don't if my customer solved the problem but as far as I know they do not have a solution for this. Regards Tim
View ArticleTrying to practice setup of DB2 HADR using 2 Win Server 2008R2_x64 Guests on...
Hi all, This may not be the forum to ask this question, but the subject line pretty much tells what I am trying to accomplish. Any help will be highly appreciated. The last time I tried setting up DB2...
View ArticleRe: Размер базы vcenter
SQL Server 2008 R2WAndrey wrote: Тогда можно попробовать посмотреть какие объекты больше всего места занимают, из этого делать выводы. SQL какой версии?а как это сделать?
View ArticleRe: Is it possible to have multiple ticket reports?
Yes it is possible. We have done this in our system. * First you have to make it possible to open the report by it's name (slightly changing the query Get Report Item ID and the ticket template...
View ArticleRe: E' disponibile la prima guida italiana per VMware vSphere 5.1
mi scuso e mi prendo anche la colpa degli altri commenti che in qualche modo ho "provocato".Purtroppo quando si scrive su una community capita anche di sbagliare... a proposito: ti do il mio benvenuto...
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